
Our campaigns have transformed categories, are written about in books, and are studied in business schools and universities around the world. But don’t believe us. Listen to our clients’ own words.

“Take pride in your beer.”

  • The breakthrough came from yet more unorthodox moves born from experimentation. By 2001, I was so frustrated by conventional advertising agencies that I decided to bypass them altogether and hire two world-class creative talents, CJ Waldman and Marc Campana...

    Jim Koch
    Jim Koch Co-founder and chairman/Boston Beer Company

“There’s a million reasons to join.”

  • ...Giardina spoke with a bunch of branding and advertising agencies, but none of the big ones showed him anything that would get him noticed. He did hear from one person who truly captured the challenge, so he began working with CJ Waldman of the tiny Octopus Creative Group.

    David Meerman
    David Meerman “The New Rules of Sales and Service”

“This is refreshment.”

  • Recall the soda’s heady ascent, in the famous “Diet Coke Break” ad... women ogled a construction worker who removed his shirt to sip his mid-morning refreshment and the world swooned toward the drink aisles.

    The New Yorker/July, 2018
    The New Yorker/July, 2018
  • The ad people are most likely to remember is “Diet Coke Break” to that ballsy Etta James soundtrack.  It was clever, funny, and perfect... That was the turning point.

    The Guardian Weekly
    The Guardian Weekly
  • Sometimes in the midst of all this planning, you just luck out...A Diet Coke commercial...was an instant hit. Lucky Vanous - a complete unknown - managed to associate itself with Coke’s imagery and became an overnight celebrity.

    Sergio Zyman
    Sergio Zyman Ex-Chief Marketing Officer, The Coca-Cola Company. “The End of Advertising as We Know It”

“It’s all about the beer.”

  • Heineken’s U.S. sales grew consistently with the introduction of “It’s all about the beer.” The sales increases were seen as directly tied to Heineken’s new brand image...and was adapted for Heineken markets worldwide. Heineken’s game plan allowed the lager to break records, shatter stereotypes and register years of consecutive growth. The campaign clicked on all three requirements for a winning campaign; it broke through, was entertaining, and offered a provocative, relevant message...

    Barbara Smit
    Barbara Smit “The Heineken Story”

“Obey your thirst.”

  • People love to talk about change but at the end, some people hate change because it's uncomfortable. Most of change happens on the edges. It never really happens on the core. Nobody really goes and attacks an existing brand on the basis of its core value proposition...It has to come out with something that was captured in the edge. The Sprite campaign - the "Obey Your Thirst" campaign.
    - Sergio Zyman

    Stephen Denny
    Stephen Denny “Killing Giants”
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